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  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the graphics.social moderators.

  1. No advocating violence. Do not engage in harassment, including but not limited to bullying, stalking, and unwanted sexual advances.
  2. No bigotry of any kind. Including but not limited to: racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, fascism, nationalism, colonialism, white supremacy, or religious extremism.
  3. No hacking. Do not engage in unauthorized access or abuse of the server's systems or data.
  4. No pornography. It's just not that kind of instance, find another home on the fediverse.
  5. No deceptive content. Do not post deceptive or misleading content, including but not limited to impersonation, phishing, misinformation and explicitly: cryptocurrency, multilevel marketing scams, NFTs and anti-vax misinformation.
  6. No illegal content. Do not post illegal content, including but not limited to child pornography, non-consensual pornography, threats of violence, incitement to commit violent acts, and any content that violates the DMCA.
  7. No doxxing. Do not share personal information about others without their consent.
  8. Be kind, don't be a jerk. It's what all these other more specific rules are trying to define.
  9. No scraping the contents of this site for machine learning training. That includes using any text, image, video or audio posted for training, testing, or general use with artificial intelligence, including but not limited to large language models like GPT and neural networks.
  10. No AI bots. Posts must be made by real humans manually.